Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fahrenheit 451


A group of strangers get together and begin to watch a “reality” TV show. After it is over they slowly start to change their personalities and appearance. Soon there is a group exactly like the cast of the show. The same is happening with other shows, and although the shows are scripted the teens believe that the shows are real life. The world is forming into something that we never wanted, a world where there are no individuals and everyone is the same.

Relation to Fahrenheit 451

The novel Fahrenheit 451 is a perfect example of what will happen to our world if the government doesn’t provide us with the tools we need to create new television shows. In the novel the youth are care-free and reckless. With the reality TV shows portraying violence and crime, the kids and teens follow the example put in front of them to view, just like the teens in Fahrenheit 451. In the novel to problems were not fixed, but with for our society we still have a chance to go back to what we were before these bad TV shows.

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