Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Veterans Essay

The booming, crashing and screams of terror fill the mind of the aged man hunched over in the wooden rocker, shocked out of sleep. Just seconds ago he could’ve sworn he was running through a forest alight with smoke and fire, a gun in his hands. Just a dream, he thought, just another dream about the war so many years ago, it isn’t real, at least, not now. Military heroes, especially those who are nearing the final chapters in their life, deserve to be honored every day, not just on Veterans Day or Memorial Day.

What the people in the United States don’t seem to comprehend, is the fact that although we’ve heard stories about the war, us Americans will never know the suffering and pain of being ordered to take another person’s life, even for the good of our country. We will never know how it feels to leave behind a dying friend, and watch people you love thrown from the ground by an unsuspected bomb, or being told that you must follows orders, and question nothing. No one will ever be able to say “ I know how you feel,” until they have spent weeks, months, years in the everyday life of war. Military heroes need the respected everywhere they go, no matter the time or date, due to the fact that without these heroes we would not have the liberty to do a number of different activities, such as going to the church of our choice, or buying a candy bar the local supermarket. Many of us have grandparents or great grandparents who have served in the war. Almost all of the greatly dislike speaking of their time in the war, due to the fact that all of them have taken a life.

On days like Veterans Day and Memorial Day, hundreds of men and women gather to be celebrated. The heroes of this crowd should not only honored on these days, but every day, for without them, we would not be free. Without these heroes in our life, fighting for and with our country, we would not live in the same country that we live in today.

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